About CORE
Welcome to CORE Cultural Online Resource for Education
CORE – THEATRE | OPERA | FESTIVAL is a publicly accessible digital archive of materials from artists and productions across 30 CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS. CORE currently contains over 6000 fully documented media objects. These encompass artist statements and logbooks, notations, stage and costume designs, technical sketches, interviews, production information, photographs and trailers, as well as samples from performances and rehearsals. This unique collection of expertly digitised and carefully curated objects is the result of years of dedicated research and practice-led third-mission projects on theatre, opera and festival productions. CORE has been developed in collaboration with the University of Salzburg and works closely with a range of cultural institutions and archives. CORE opens up pioneering new paths of study for researchers, educators, and learners from all fields. It contains invaluable cultural material for academic, creative and educational OUTREACH, as well as for cultural infrastructures and artists themselves. With its user-friendly search function, visitors can browse the archived material according to extensive search categories. Future initiatives include a special collection of additional items that will be open to registered users and accessible on site in Salzburg. With new material constantly being added, CORE is an ever-expanding resource and aims to become the central digital archive of cultural productions. We invite artists and cultural institutions to contribute to the database and consider CORE their digital home.
Project Leader, Concept and Editor-in-Chief: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner